Jumat, 11 Januari 2013

Jual Modem Wavecom fastrack Supreme 10

Modem Wavecom fastrack Supreme 10
Harga Rp 1.500.000

Untuk Pemesanan Produk ini INDENT!
Fastrack Supreme kini dilengkapi dengan expansion card yang memudahkan pengembang software/hardware untuk menambahkan konektifitas IO, seperti GPS, WiFi, Bluetoothe, Zigbee, dll.

▂▃▅█ Info Harga / Pemesanan █▅▃▂
|► SMS : 089697777911
|► BBM : 26298EB1
|► YM  : agus1setyawan
|► FB  : Facebook.com/Agastrateknomedia
|► Twitter : twitter.com/Agastratekno
|► Web : Agastra

|► Spesifikasi teknis:
* Core ARM9, yang menjalankan Open AT? dengan DOTA II + Cache Memory
* Expansion card, yang memungkinan pengembang untuk menambahkan IO, USB, atau GPS
* Konsumsi listrik yang lebih hemat
* Baterai cadangan untuk tanggal dan jam
Fastrack Supreme 10 merupakan de facto hardware yang paling banyak digunakan oleh software berbasiskan SMS, seperti SMS Center / Gateway.

|► Keunggulan Fastrack Supreme 10:
* Stabilitas yang tinggi (mampu dioperasikan hingga 24/jam perhari, 7 hari/minggu!)
* Handal (throughput SMS yang tinggi)
* Expansion card/slot
Fastrack Supreme 10 operating on 850/900/1800/1900 Mhz: GSM, SMS, CSD, GPRS, FR/HR/EFR/AMR

|► Supplied
with Internet plug-in software key + CGPS plug-in software. Internet
plug-in software key is comprised of TCP/UDP/FTP/HTTP/email components.

|► Wavecom
Fastrack Supreme 10 supporting Class 10 GPRS. Introducing the Wavecom
Fastrack Supreme: the same versatile Plug & Play form factor as
previous Fastrack products, packed with a host of new features that
will carry your applications well into the future. That’s because it’s
designed to accommodate any additional features you can imagine thanks
to a revolutionary, open standard Internal Expansion Socket you can
populate with an expansion card from Wavecom – or one of your own.

|► Every
Fastrack Supreme features a Wavecom Q26-family Wireless CPU®: a
powerful central processing unit with an ARM9 32 bit, 26-104MHz core.
Wavecom’s Open AT Software Suite with integrated IDE is provided by M2M Connectivity for embedding wireless applications.
Three expansion cards are available for the Supreme (IESM’s – Internal Expansion Socket Modules).
* USB + IO Expansion card.
* USB + C-GPS Expansion card.
* USB + C-GPS + IO Expansion card.