Jumat, 11 Januari 2013

Jual Modem Wavecom CDMA M1306B Q2358C USB

Modem Wavecom CDMA M1306B Q2358C USB
Harga Rp 700.000

Berbagai macam modem wavecom kami sediakan,diantaranya modem wavecom CDMA Q2358C/Q2438F untuk perlengkapan server pulsa dan sms gateway anda.
modem wavecom CDMA solusi paling baru untuk perlengkapan server pulsa/sms gateway yang menghendaki konektifitas CDMA paling handal saat ini. Didukung chipset Wismo CDMA Q2358C/Q2438F (original IMEI)
mampu menjalankan hampir seluruh kartu simcard CDMA dari Operator CDMA yang ada di Indonesia.tidak panas meskipun dinyalakan 24 jam non stop, sangat stabil. Memiliki signal yang lebih bagus dibandingkan dengan Handpone nokia 6235 karena terdapat antena tersendiri.

France WAVECOM Q2358C module’s Hongyuan Monopoly
Description: Origin France WAVECOM Company
▂▃▅█ Info Harga / Pemesanan █▅▃▂
|► SMS : 089697777911
|► BBM : 26298EB1
|► YM  : agus1setyawan
|► FB  : Facebook.com/Agastrateknomedia
|► Twitter : twitter.com/Agastratekno
|► Web : agastra.com
|► Features :
Single-frequency 800MHZ, CDMA20001xRTT module
Executive Standard: FCC / SAR and CDG1, 2 & 3
Activities SIM slot

|► Output power :
Input voltage: 3.6V ~ 4.2
Input Current: Receive <150mA, idle <3.8mA
Temperature: -30 ? ~ +60 ? Working
External dimensions: 58×32×6.5 mm
Weight: 20g

|► Additional Services :
Call Transfer
Conference call
Call restrictions
Phone Book
Fixed number to call
Call waiting or hold
Call Line Certification
Infrared data transfer SIM
Echo cancellation
SIM Toolkit
SIM lock

|► basic features :
Support voice communications
Support English SMS
Dual tone multi-frequency function (DTMF)
A5 / 1 & A5 / 5 Encryption algorithm
SMS: MT / MO / CB / PDU mod